• ArxCyberwolf
        111 month ago

        Bravo, you don’t eat animals. Would you like an award?

        Self important, smug vegans who huff their own farts and feel the need to preach everywhere and attack other people for not being the same are hurting your ideology more than you realize. You aren’t convincing anybody and just coming across like a blowhard.

        • @wafflez@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Self important? I live this lifestyle to do the bottom baseline, not kill. You’re the aggressor here by killing hundreds a year. The most effective rights movements always have and always will we fueled by those who are loud. You should be vegan. Killing animals is unnecesary.

        • @chrizzowski@lemmy.ca
          91 month ago

          They changed the comic to point out veganism being a meaningful change compared to meatless Monday. While I agree it doesn’t fit the context or intent of the comics original message, they aren’t wrong. Like it or not at some point we all need to acknowledge that animal agriculture is one of the worst things we do to this planet. All they did was point that out and suggest that hey, maybe we should not do that.

          The only attack is your reply. They didn’t call you out as a self important, smug carnivore who huffs pig farts. It sounds more like you’re being defensive at the notion that something you do has a negative impact, and it’s easier to go “vegans preachy radical ideology, hurr durrr mah bacon!” than it is to confront the inconvenience that there are very real and surprisingly easy things you can do to bring about actual change in the world.

          Thin sliced tofu, fried crispy in a skillet, tablespoon of both maple syrup and soy sauce, and a few drops of liquid smoke. I call it tofakeun. Seriously, try it.