• @niktemadur@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Not voting because bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe, even after the goddamned 2016-21 dark ages, is the leftist version of anti-vaxx anti-mask. Too many people seem to be equally lazy plus self-centered equals stupid, in all directions.

    Whether it’s about putting a piece of cloth on your face or voting, they’re special; above it all; they know what the truth is, and we’re the dumb ones for not seeing it, we’re the dumb ones for doing something, for choosing a path of effort/inconvenience/civic duty instead of inaction. And we are the mindless herd to them.

    EDIT: Then you tell them that republican and russian troll farms are flooding their discussions, concern trolling about genocide while russia itself is invading Ukraine with genocidal intentions, with the explicit intent to get them to not vote because they are manipulable in bad faith, and do they seem to care?

    • @shikitohno@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      “Everyone who doesn’t agree with me 100% is either an idiot, lazy, self-centered, and/or the enemy,” the true mark of a thriving democracy. Democrats can pat themselves on the back with that one all the way to a loss at the polls, then bust out their best surprised Pikachu face and blame leftists again when it turns out their unpopular platform of saying, “Well, we’re marginally less shit than the other guy!” doesn’t transform into a win.

      I know this is uncharted territory, but perhaps Democrats could try being a bit less shit, rather than constantly punching left? Zero pressure on Democrat candidates to not be absolute trash, and then you have the gall to act surprised that people aren’t tripping over themselves to back them when their platform is less than inspiring. If you guys put half the effort into whipping your preferred candidates into shape rather than brow beating anyone who dares criticize them, your bullshit hand wringing about evil, stupid leftists would be entirely unnecessary.

      • Franklin
        2 months ago

        This isn’t about a difference in political opinion it’s about encouraging not voting.

        You can choose non-participation and you can fool yourself that it washes your hands but it does not stop the status quo, in fact it encourages it.

        • @shikitohno@lemm.ee
          182 months ago

          This isn’t about a difference in political opinion it’s about encouraging not voting.

          So you claim, but every time someone questions Democrat doctrine, or dares suggest maybe they ought to change policy, you lot pop up screaming “But what about Trump!?!?” and equating any criticism of Biden to advocating non-voting, or better yet, claiming everything is some sort of false flag to try and prime the chances for Trump to win. Nobody can legitimately have a different opinion.

          You have no real path to actually get the Democrats to change course, no reason for any of us to believe we won’t be in this exact same situation in another four years with you running around like chickens with your heads cut off, and anyone who dares say, “Well, gee, guys, maybe we should do something other than the same old garbage that hasn’t got anyone optimistic about a Democrat outside Obama in the last 30 years,” you have a dozen accusations to levy against them to dismiss any points they raise. But yeah, we’re all just supposed to believe that it’s going to be anything other than more of the same centrist Democrats proceeding to do fuck all of what them claim they will the second they hear they won another election.

          • @fosho@lemmy.ca
            182 months ago

            Of course they ought to change policy. But how stupid is your solution to this that you’d rather let something far worse take over? It’s just so obviously dumb that it had to have come from the disinformation campaign packaged in a smart sounding way because no sane leftist would settle on this conclusion on their own.

            • @shikitohno@lemm.ee
              132 months ago

              “If you do the same thing we’ve asked you to for decades, we promise it’ll be different this time,” is a take so stupid, it must be some sort of disinformation campaign, because no sane Democrat would be stupid enough to think this would convince people. Continuing to run the same, tired plays over and over again and expecting that nobody will realize that they’re full of it is just asinine tactics on their part.

              • Franklin
                102 months ago

                So instead of suggesting that you interact with the political apparatus at the Congressional level and actually take some action your solution is too just to do nothing?

                • @feddylemmy@lemmy.world
                  42 months ago

                  It’s funny how energetic people are around a presidential election but the years in-between it’s all silence.

              • @fosho@lemmy.ca
                2 months ago

                no one is promising it will be different. it just won’t be worse. but I can see how that’s so hard to understand for someone such as yourself who struggles with basic logic.

          • @Gigasser@lemmy.world
            32 months ago

            I think voting third party is viable when it comes to local elections/electing Congress people and senators. When it comes to the president, it is much much less viable. If you want a third party president to be viable, you must first build up that third party’s power and at the same try to prevent a fascist takeover so that third party power buildup can be sustained. Building up the power of a third party takes decades of work. Further third party power can be amassed through implementation of ranked choice voting, which takes time to implement as you need to get multiple states to agree to it first.

    • @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
      21 month ago

      Tbf there is also a certain extent of legit lefty anti-mask anti-vaxx sentiment,

      Over there it’s less about pseudo-science (at least until you get the california crunchy moms who believe in crystal healing) and more about how the US medical establishment can’t be trusted for one reason or the other.