• @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
    22 months ago

    I know that video exists of anything conceivable so yeah I don’t suddenly believe that there’s some big movement of people claiming any support for Palestine is anti-Semitism. A tiny minority of people not really worth mentioning. Yes I said it “never” happened but that’s only a slight exaggeration

      • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
        22 months ago

        great job, nuanced argument, 5 stars. Never have I been more wrong in my life than when I said there aren’t many people equating these protests to anti-Semitism. I mean jeez it’s gotta be like… .00001% of the population. A plague upon society! We should be screaming from the rooftops about what a couple of people believe…because… That helps sell the idea that gEnOcIdE JoE is personally murdering children. Er I mean it’s true. Yeah that’s it. It’s true . So many people believe this that it’s just a horrible danger to the world.

          • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            right I totally did that, and you are totally not coping with your extreme bias that causes you to believe you are persecuted for having an extremely popular opinion

        • @blackbelt352@lemmy.world
          102 months ago

          I only bring nuance to good faith arguments, so far you’ve demonstrated that you will just make anything up and wait for us to easily refute it. So now that we’ve devolved into sophistry and meta-argumentation, I’ll leave the convo here and hope your day is as pleasant as you are.

        • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
          32 months ago

          Well said and good argument. It’s clear you knew you weren’t going to get through to these kids from the beginning, but you made your point anyway and I respect the hell out of that.

          Well done man.

          • @blackbelt352@lemmy.world
            52 months ago

            If the point was that he’ll just say easily disprovable lies, then sure he made his point.

            But he hasn’t made any statements that aren’t easily disproven by a quick Google search. There are people who literally faked being in “danger” to get police to break up peaceful protesters, and literal lawmakers in congress who are equating support for Palestine as antisemitism.

            But hey I guess not all of us can be brainteasers morons who don’t know how to use google.

            • @TrickDacy@lemmy.world
              22 months ago

              Yeah like 10 people consider these protestors anti semitic so let’s all go dig up the three videos that exist to prove that I’m such an evil liar to dare and say it’s not enough of a thing to even mention. Wait no that wasn’t my exact literal words so the power of pedantry comes in here to invalidate everything I have said and ever will say. He said it doesn’t happen everyone! Now let’s all get back to pearl clutching about this absolute fucking epidemic!!

            • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
              12 months ago

              You people bringing up a video or two doesn’t represent the whole of the thing that you think it does.

              Socialists/far-leftists/tankies…. wherever you fit into the knee-jerk political spectrum of childishly manufactured outrage- there’s one thing in common with them all:

              A complete willful disregard to even try and understand how nuance works, and how it is applied to nearly everything that exists.

              • @blackbelt352@lemmy.world
                2 months ago

                When did I ever say the video represented the whole thing? All I did was provide literal video evidence that what the comic described has actually happened. No more no less.

                What nuance is there to be had over the existence of a video? Either it exists or it doesn’t, that’s it, there’s no nuance to be had. So fuck off with your derailing nonsense about some grand leftist conspiracy about the existence of a video.

                We get it, you like when governments indiscriminately kill people and nutjobs fake distress and call the police to assault protestors. Just be honest about it.