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Runtime Break start
4h 05m 2h 53m

Episode 93: Bittersweet Reunions

You all were making your way southeast from where you were laying low from Kymal, hopefully to get to Zephrah to find the Tempest. Yet only a couple days out from where you were keeping cover, Opal had a bit of a moment, exploded out a bunch of gems and spiderwebs triggering the forceful conversion by the Spider Queen of Opal into Opal the Twice-Crowned Champion of the Spider Queen. Opal, your friends love you so much and they are currently fighting to the death to save you.
Currently, just as a little reminder for the group, we have a big ol’ bubble of Darkness in the middle of the field, so none of you saw Ted disappear back into Opal’s body as Opal grows, stretches out a little taller, three sets of arms, and renewed specific, violent purpose to shake you off, to get away, so that she can take her place beside or in front of the Spider Queen for whatever’s coming as the Moon of Ill Omen turns its gaze on the gods of Exandria.
We have Haste, we have Darkness, and a Bless.

Previous Episode: “Broken Roads”

  • UltragrampsOPM
    5 months ago

    It is here, Dorian Storm, after emerging from the tree, the Voice of the Tempest that you’ve briefly encountered in your previous travels with Orym before you and Fearne and him made your way to the continent of Marquet, to adventures that have thrown all manner of chaos, challenge, and sorrow into everyone’s lives since. Still holding close to that pain, you watch as Keyleth approaches, acknowledging you, present though magically cloaked, and says,
    “Dorian, it is good to see you. What brings you to Zephrah?”

    • 03:09:13 Dorian begs Keyleth to retrieve the body of Cyrus.
    • 03:17:05 Dorian receives a sending message from Orym.
    • 03:20:43 Keyleth:“It all comes to the Hellcatch, where the god eater that sits in the core of that moon seeks to be released and devour the pantheon.” Keyleth briefs Dorian on the situation with Ruidus.
    • 03:24:48 Dorian:“Well, I would say ‘To the Ends of the Earth’, but it seems as if we’re already there.”
    • 03:29:42 Reunited and it feels so good. Laura enters with a titty dance inspired by Erica. Lots of hugs happen.
    • 03:36:59 Dorian doesn’t know how to talk to Evoroa and reverts to pet talk.
    • 03:37:27 Fan Art Moment Evoroa’s cytaa skittering out, grabbing food from Dorian, screeching, and returning to the robes.
    • 03:43:22 Dorian:“It’s a long story. My brother died. My two best friends became the champions of the Matron of Ravens and the Spider Queen.”
      Imogen:“How long ago was that, Dorian?”
    • 03:47:33 Dorian:“It almost feels like years of lore.”
    • 03:48:13 The classic Exandrian stage play of Pac Man
    • 03:48:32 Dorian:“What is your plan in all of this?”
      Dorian:“That is not a good sound.”
    • 03:50:45 Imogen:“Are you back, Dorian?” (John Wick reference?)
    • 03:56:06 You begin to recall a handful of stories that Dariax had mentioned in passing of a particular woman that taught him that you can be both attracted and deeply afraid of a person.
    • 03:59:30 Liam becomes the Aliens Meme Guy.
    • 04:00:00 Ashton’s booze run.
    • 04:02:47 Cheers.