Yo linux team, i would love some advice.
I’m pretty mad at windows, 11 keeps getting worse and worse and I pretty done with Bill’s fetishes about bing and ai. Who knows where’s cortana right now…
Anyway, I heard about this new company called Linux and I’m open to try new stuff. I’m a simple guy and just need some basic stuff:
- graphic stuff: affinity, canva, corel, gimp etc… (no adobe anymore, please don’t ask.)
- 3d modelling and render: blender, rhino, cinema, keyshot
- video editing: davinci
- some little coding in Dart/flutter (i use VS code, I don’t know if this is good or bad)
- a working file explorer (can’t believe i have to say this)
The tricky part is the laptop, a zenbook duo pro (i9-10/rtx2060), with double touch screens.
I tried ubuntu several years ago but since it wasn’t ready for my use i never went into different distros and their differences. Now unfortunately, ready or not, I need to switch.
Edit: the linux-company thing is just for triggering people, sorry I didn’t know it was this effective.
VS, not VS Code
Why anyone outside the Microsoft ecosystem would want to use Visual Studio though, idk
I know, I feel very bad for this, but I needed Github Copilot, because I’m too stupid to code on my own
I think you’re mixing up Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio is a massively bloated IDE mostly used for .NET development, but supports other things too. It’s proprietary, massive, slow and a pain to work with, and doesn’t run on Linux afaik
Visual Studio Code, on the other hand, is an Electron app and therefore runs almost everywhere, and is (partly or totally, I’m not sure) open source. Nothing wrong with coding in VS Code, it’s a decent IDE
Telemetry, licensing and proprietary extensions in VS Code is the whole reason for VScodium to exist.
Visual Studio Code is like Android is relative to the Android Open Source project. As far as I know, VS Code comes with an additional Microsoft layer of telemetry and closed source additions in its binary form. Not to mention the license which basically assumes the right to do almost anything to the underlying system. That’s why projects like VSCodium came into existence.
Please anyone, correct me if I’m wrong.
Ah, thanks for the clarification -
I don’t use VSCode(ium) myself, I’m usually quite content with Helix + LSPs, and if ever need a full IDE I usually go with the Jetbrain products
Tbf I think OP is also mixing up VS and VSCode because the dart/flutter recommended setup is all based on VSCode and VSCode extensions.
@Flixich @itslilith, You can have GitHub Copilot in a lot of IDEs, like: Qt Creator, (almost all) JetBrains IDEs,… and code editors, like: Visual Studio Code, Atom, Neovim,…
You just have to find a suitable one for you 😁