The censored one is probably Niger

UPDATE - special thanks to for making a map showing the countries without access to PSN:

    2 months ago

    It launched 4 months ago. How are you assuming people who bought it and could play it are still in the 2-hour refund window?

    Edit: I hear you. I hope Steam allows a special exemption refund for this issue…

        32 months ago

        OK, maybe I’m missing something in all this, as I have both Steam and PSN accounts already, but wasn’t it always on the Steam page, in a gold box, that a 3rd party (PSN) account was needed to play the game?

      292 months ago

      The 2 hour refund window is for automated refunds, you can still make a request if you’re past that - it’s just going to need a human to take a look at it. I’ve once succesfully returned a game I’ve played for about 5 hours because it had game-breaking bugs and ran like crap for no reason, and it got accepted within a day without an issue.

      So Helldivers owners have a chance. I’m assuming that Steam’s Customer Support department is having some kind of an internal discussion right now on how to handle this case.

      62 months ago

      You’re assuming Steam will just completely ignore a situation where players are flat out incapable of playing the game they paid for.