• LinkOpensChest.wav
    52 months ago

    This is some Not The Onion lack of self awareness here. This guy is going to accuse any other nation of xenophobia? The calls are coming from inside the White House. Not a shred of self-awareness.

    he argued that migration has been good for the U.S. economy

    Then it’s odd that his response has been to further disseminate the myth of a “border crisis,” open more concentration camps at the Mexican border, and deport record numbers of immigrants and refugees.

    It’s like Biden and his supporters lack whatever it is humans possess that makes us self-aware. Infants crawling around with no object permanence and trying to lead their dogshit country further into dogshittery.

    • @tiredturtle@lemmy.ml
      22 months ago

      Maybe it’s like a “takes one to know one” situation, as both the USA and China meddle in the Middle-East and Africa with an infantilizing attitude.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        2 months ago

        He doesn’t know he is one though. Otherwise he wouldn’t have made that statement about immigrants while supporting anti-immigrant and xenophobic policies and beliefs.

        Edit: Also, doesn’t Japan have some of the most restrictive immigration policies in the world? So how tf is he focusing on China?