• @whoreticulture
    32 months ago

    People absolutely say that, “philanthrocapitalism” is a nerdy word for it it, but that basic argument comes up in a lot of contexts … pay attention.

      • @whoreticulture
        22 months ago

        🤷🏻‍♂️ Pay attention, look for it and you will see this argument come up a lot. Trickle-down economics is a similar idea, and that was a national talking point for years.

        • Dude. Pay attention. We’re here discussing why everyone hates BG. Your point is “yeah well idiots think we need billionaires to pay for vaccines”? Is that why we should hate the person who is actually spending their fortune on vaccines?

          • @whoreticulture
            2 months ago

            My point is that we can and should criticize any billionaire no matter their philanthropy, noone becomes a billionaire by accident and it is shameful to be one.

            I don’t want to help spread pro-billionaire sentiment by just being “oh yay Bill Gates” for donating the money he got from intellectual thievery and violating anti-trust laws.

            • That’s not what this thread is about though. Pay attention.

              People hate Bill Gates more than other billionaires not engaged in philanthropy. My question is why? What is it about his philanthropy specifically that attracts more hatred than other billionaires?

              If you looked at a list of the 10 wealthiest people, I’m sure there are names higher than Gates that most of us wouldn’t recognise.

              • @whoreticulture
                12 months ago

                This thread is about rich people using philanthropy to seem more palatable.

                Your question doesn’t even make sense because it’s not at all true that Bill Gates gets extra hate, I think people rightly hate on all the Billionaires. I very rarely even hear about Bill Gates, more often it’s Elon Musk or Bezos … or Taylor Swift lately.

                • @caroline@lemmy.ca
                  12 months ago

                  I’ll shit on Elon all day, but pretty sure Bill Gates is just a nice dude who retired and just wants to do shit to help out at this point. I watched some documentary where they followed him around for a few weeks and he was just so focused on people not having water and working toilets in Africa. I mean I guess these days anything can be called propaganda, but that guy keeps to himself and helps people.