Sustainable open source will stay a dream

    22 months ago

    At that point, you’ve become a business. So yeah, you need skill to fundraise.

    or a non profit, and not surprising running a business or a non profit requires the skills to manage a business or a non profit, iirc the software freedom conservatory and maybe the SPI say the can help with fundraising, but you need to be modest and consider you might benefit from learning from other people.

    Fuck the companies, they will always take and never give anything back. They won’t give you money anyways, so might as well shut them down.

    That’s just factually wrong, for example most of the contribution to the linux kernel are from companies, blender development fund is a good case study for this (see how much each corporate sponsors pays)

      12 months ago

      It was a hyperbole that companies never give back, but for every company that donates, how many don’t?

      If the companies would give back even a fraction of what they generate by using FOSS, then it would be viable for a lot more people to be a FOSS developer.