How is the size of Lemmy’s userbase changing? Is it growing or shrinking? How diverse is it? What do the current trendlines look like as we approach a year since Rexxit?

I feel like I used to see graphs on this sub fairly regularly, but haven’t seen one recently. There was also some ambiguity in the numbers as commenting and voting were added to the active user totals. Now that most (all?) instances have switched to 0.19, do we have a better idea of where things stand?

Aside from sticking around and posting, commenting, and voting, is there anything users should be doing to help grow the platform? (!lemmygrow would be a good name for a sublemmy, if anyone wanted to organize something)

In any case, thanks to everyone who has helped grow Lemmy to its current size!

  • @Blaze
    328 days ago


    Would you be interested in creating a community dedicated to community growth? Maybe something a bit more neutral like !communitygrowth so that it can be more inclusive to Mbin, Piefed, and in the future Sublinks?

    I have a few theories I would like to discuss with other people interested in this topic

    • @threelonmusketeers@sh.itjust.worksOP
      228 days ago

      I would definitely be interested. Good idea to make it more general than just !lemmygrow, though “community” is still a Lemmy(-ish)-specific term.

      Some other name ideas:

      • !fediversegrowth (if including Mastodon, Loops, etc.)
      • !fedigrow (shorter version of the above)
      • !threadiversegrowth (if limiting to link-aggregator discussion forums like Kbin, Sublinks, etc.)
      • !threadigrow (shorter version of the above)


      • @Blaze
        227 days ago

        I just checked, Piefed calls them communities too, I guess Sublinks will probably do the same.

        Fedigrow seems like a better name, communitygrowth seems a bit long, so I guess that could be the one? I’m afraid Threadigrow would be too confusing to people

      • @Blaze
        226 days ago

        Small heads up to see if you already have an instance in mind? You are on SJW, that could work, otherwise I usually like because it’s well managed and a very neutral name. does a lot for new joiners too with !

        • @threelonmusketeers@sh.itjust.worksOP
          226 days ago

          Haha, I was actually going to message you to ask if you had an instance in mind. I think we want a well managed and widely federated instance which is large, but not the largest. Any of the ones you propose sound good.