Man identified by police as Max Azzarello, from Florida, declared dead after incident outside lower Manhattan courthouse

A man has died after setting himself on fire outside the New York courthouse where Donald Trump’s hush-money trial is taking place.

The New York City police department said on Saturday the man had been declared dead by staff at an area hospital.

Officials had said earlier the man, who was in his late 30s, was in critical condition.

The New York police department said the man, who they identified as Max Azzarello of St Augustine, Florida, did not appear to be targeting Trump or others involved in the trial.

Witnesses said the man pulled pamphlets out of a backpack and threw them in the air before he doused himself with a liquid and set himself on fire on Friday. One of those pamphlets included references to “evil billionaires” but portions that were visible to a Reuters witness did not mention Trump.

    713 months ago

    I feel bad for this guy. I mean, he felt passionate enough about his cause to feel that the only way to draw attention to it was to self-immolate. But his cause is… what, exactly? I’ve read a few articles and couldn’t really figure it out.

    It seems to me he was a bright guy who believed what he read on the Internet, and when his mother passed he lost any moderating influence in his life, so that he had no one to pull him out of the conspiracy theories. It was the lack of critical thinking that killed him in the end.

        223 months ago

        Lastly, we string these major discoveries together: Cryptocurrency is an economic doomsday device; our government is a secret kleptocracy; The Simpsons exists to brainwash us.

          133 months ago

          I want to live in the timeline where he got the right treatment/producer to make a podcast or video series using Simpsons scenes to describe macroeconomic theories

          53 months ago

          It’s always heartbreaking when people grow skeptical of neoliberalism (and the greedy, self-serving people who push it), only to be preyed upon by groups like neo-nazis, conspiracy theorists and crypto bros.

          Anywhere you find people who are frustrated, depressed or paranoid, you’ll find extremists using that vulnerability to groom more extremists.

      • GiantFloppyCock
        193 months ago

        I mean, a lot of what crypto has become is pretty Ponzi-ish. But yeah, he’s a bit deeper off the conspiracy cliff than that.

          3 months ago

          …and the two parties do seem to work together. Also, tech billionaires and their platforms do seem to promote and allow a lot of white supremacist propaganda on their websites.

          So a lot of what he writes about seems to have a basis in reality.

            173 months ago

            It becomes more crazy looking the more he tries to connect everything he is suspicious of into some grand interlinked conspiracy with some grand unified masterplan.

              153 months ago


              • “Democrats and Republicans work together to screw over the public” — not crazy.
              • “Harvard-educated Simpsons writers are on a mission of propaganda” — crazy.
                3 months ago

                Aren’t we all pretty sure the wealthy classes seem to have different rules applied to them? Lighter sentences, less likelihood of being arrested, better treatment when they do get arrested.t Much shorter sentences in prisons which compare holiday resorts. I mean the first time Epstein was arrested for sex crimes he was allowed to leave the prison in daylight hours.

                … doesn’t that start to look like elites are in a criminal conspiracy? That other elites create these conditions for them? Eg. Wealthy elite schools producing unchecked criminality, and sharing the secrets of getting these better conditions?

                Like Harvard is a crime school?

                13 months ago

                Claiming Democrats and Republicans work together on anything seems a pretty crazy suggestion these days.

                  13 months ago

                  You should pay closer attention. There are plenty of party-line votes on “culture war” bullshit, but there are also plenty of times in which they engage in bipartisanship to screw us. For example, they just not only renewed but also expanded FISA spying.

          • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
            3 months ago

            I would think many conspiracy theories do have nuggets of truth in them, but the problem comes from interpreting them incorrectly. See “The Voyager Conspiracy” S6E9 of Voyager for an example.

              53 months ago

              I had a realisation today I’ve never seen anywhere before: Voyager would have been greatly improved had Tom Paris “grown a beard”.

              3 months ago

              Well yeah, many of them do have nuggets of truth, it becomes “conspiracy theory” when linking it all together in one big plot against humanity organised by a few people.

              The “big” truth is often even scarier then any big conspiracy theory: we are ruled by things that come/happen together by accident. We are ruled by chaos. Some are powerful, but not a single few people are ever completely in control of everything.

        83 months ago

        When we piece it all together, we understand the truth: **We are in a totalitarian doomsday cult. **

        Why on earth would our elites do this? There are many reasons, but the simplest is because capitalism is unsustainable, and they knew it: Climate change and resource extraction would catch up eventually. So, they never intended to sustain it. They knew all along that they would gobble up all the wealth they could, and then yank the rug out from under us so they could pivot to a hellish fascist dystopia.

        Yeah I too think he was likely mentally ill. But damn if this didn’t resonate.

      553 months ago

      It should be noted that for-profit media companies will play dumb on any protest critical of the types of people that own and run for-profit media companies.

      During the “occupy” protests, it was common to see reporters staring into the camera and asking “but what are these protests about?” in front signs stating exactly what the protests were about. They knew if they fairly reported on the movement, their audience might start agreeing with the protesters. So both “left wing” and “right wing” media companies held hands and united to undermine it.

      But without that reporting, fuck knows. If he’s posting on reddit conspiracy subs, they’ve become a place for extremists to recruit the stupid and the clinically paranoid.

        63 months ago

        Whatever society might look like on the other side of beating the billionaires, for-profit news surely won’t be a part of it.

        33 months ago

        This. It’s hard to not realize what this guy was protesting about, we all feel it but the media wants us to buy a new iphone to be happy instead.

      323 months ago

      His Instagram tells a really sad story. He was an infrequent poster of perfectly ordinary content. No sign of any mental illness: pictures of his sisters wedding, some jokes, nothing concerning.

      Then, some posts about the death of his mother and almost right after, his sharp decline in mental health becomes apparent.

      • NostraDavid
        2 months ago

        These claims sound like fantastical conspiracy theory, but they are not. They are proof of conspiracy

        That’s not how claims work, buddy.

        Lastly, we string these major discoveries together: Cryptocurrency is an economic doomsday device; our government is a secret kleptocracy; The Simpsons exists to brainwash us. From there, the only research we need is critical thinking and we’re able to piece together the true story of our circumstances.

        Wait, I thought we were supposed to use that all throughout, not at the very end!?

        TL;DR Yeah, the guy clearly had a screw loose. Jumping from unfounded (conspiracy) theory to another. At least he was not a Nazi, I guess - he hated everyone* equally.

        * everyone being “the government”, “Crypo-anything”, even a few billionaires!