The wasteland is going get even bigger.

  • @paris
    327 days ago

    I’m here to recommend Caddy instead of Jellyfin. It’s way easier to set up and just as performant. Example Caddyfile below (assuming they’re in the same Docker network and your Jellyfin container is named jellyfin): {
        reverse_proxy jellyfin:8096

    That’s it! I highly recommend Caddy! It handles https automatically so you don’t have to worry about SSL certs or 301 redirects from https to https at all!

      127 days ago

      I’ve never worked with it but have heard great things.

      I didn’t know if it handled whatever fancy stuff jellyfin had on the nginx reverse proxy page but if it does, this certainly eases the path to external access.

      126 days ago

      Never used Caddy, but if you’re running a variety of services Traefik also is pretty easy to deploy, especially if you’re using Docker containers. You can set it up to use let’s encrypt fairly easily to handle all the SSL stuff.

      • @paris
        126 days ago

        Caddy has a docker labels plugin so you can use it similarly to how you use traefik. I have a github repo with an action that automatically runs I think the first of every month that checks for Caddy updates and builds the new caddy docker image with the plugins I want automatically.

      126 days ago

      This is the sharing the internet was made for, thanks for the suggestion. Jellyfish has been giving me trouble so I’m just torrenting each show individually but I want to build up a library