End First Past The Post voting in your state before it ends us.

  • @urist
    52 months ago

    This is great advice. Everyone knows that as soon as you vote you can take no other action politically so the best you can do is a kick in the nuts.

    All my leftist friends found out I voted and I was immediately kicked out of their clique for being uncool. At least the cops aren’t after me. They totally care about my friend’s shitposting on the internet

    • Flax
      32 months ago

      They’re cringe. Unironically think your political freedom of speech should (socially, NOT legally) depend on whether or not you voted.

      • @urist
        2 months ago

        I’m having trouble interpreting your comment. Who is cringe, my hypothetical friends? I’m just being sarcastic in my previous comment here. Maybe my delivery is off.

        I think people should vote. I got snarky because I think that the way the person that I responded to has a bad take on this.

        I have no idea what you mean about freedom of speech. People can choose not to vote, and I’m going to choose to try to convince them to vote. I don’t think you gotta make it weird, dude.

        • Flax
          42 months ago

          If you don’t vote you have no social right to complain about politics, lol.