For example, I’m using Debian, and I think we could learn a thing or two from Mint about how to make it “friendlier” for new users. I often see Mint recommended to new users, but rarely Debian, which has a goal to be “the universal operating system”.
I also think we could learn website design from… looks at notes …everyone else.

  • @laurelraven
    73 months ago

    Gentoo and Arch do have easy installers (Arch via the Arch install script, Gentoo… Well, they provide stage 3 already built, a genkernel option, and even binary distribution now, which greatly simplifies the process)

      23 months ago

      Arch install is not official and it’s not that stable, and what’s the point of using Gentoo if you don’t use the main reason to use it ?

      • @laurelraven
        13 months ago

        Honestly, that one had me scratching my head too, I doubt I’d ever use the precompiled binaries on Gentoo myself

        The stage 3 tarballs and genkernel, though, make an install that could take a week or more down to a few hours; having successfully built a system from a stage 1 with customized kernel, that’s not an experience I feel a burning desire to go through again

          13 months ago

          having successfully built a system from a stage 1 with customized kernel, that’s not an experience I feel a burning desire to go through again

          It’s a way to do, and yes it’s not made for everyone. Currently im using vanilla Arch but i understand how great source installed Gentoo is