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"I push back on doomism because I don’t think it’s justified by the science, and I think it potentially leads us down a path of inaction,” said Mann during a talk last Thursday at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.

“And there are bad actors today who are fanning the flames of climate doomism because they understand that it takes those who are most likely to be on the front lines, advocating for change, and pushes them to the sidelines, which is where polluters and petrostates want them.”

    3 months ago

    Doomers are nihilistic assholes. If you dont think the politics will do it, then fill your hands and do direct action to force them.

    • BolexForSoup
      3 months ago

      “Doomers” don’t think there is literally no way to stop it. They generally think that the people who can pull the lever will continue not to do so because they’ve resisted it for decades. It’s lack of faith in our collective will and dedication to action, not that there is no course of action that can stop it.

      I can’t blame them. I still advocate for change and work towards it, but they’re not the problem. It’s climate change deniers and politicians who refuse to do anything about it.

      Blame is being misdirected here as usual. Which contributes to why people are “doomers.”

        153 months ago

        You can pulll the lever. That’s my point. There are more people who want to stop the climate catastrophe than not.

        We are many. They are few. Rise.

      123 months ago

      Agreed! Giving up is giving in to oligarchs who have profited relentlessly off of our suffering and the defiling of our home. Stand up! It’s better to die on your feet fighting than on your knees, groveling to the rich while they pickpocket your dying corpse.

      Climate apocalypse is here for us all. Wanton apathy and inaction leads only to guaranteed failure!

      23 months ago

      But politics is us. This is what democracy is all about.

      The problem is the population at large still doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation.