• @LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world
        33 months ago

        That might fall under the categories of “free internet” and “living a fulfilled life.” So I’m pretty sure your video games would be provided complementary by the government too!

        • sillychilllyOP
          23 months ago

          having video games doesnt fall within free internet and living a fulfilled life

          • @LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            I don’t play video games but those who do seem pretty addicted to them therefore they’re doing something they enjoy and their life is fulfilled.

            • @maniclucky@lemmy.world
              23 months ago

              While real video game addiction is not a thing to trivialize, not all gamers are addicts. It’s a hobby. Same as reading, watching TV, working on a car, woodworking, stamp collecting.

              Generalizations suck dude.

                • @maniclucky@lemmy.world
                  13 months ago

                  Given the bad faith nature of your answers and your at best confused message of “addiction = fulfillment”, I’m going to chalk this “BuT i’M aGrEeInG” answer to more bad faith.

                  • @LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world
                    13 months ago

                    well yeah, I think video games are horrible waste of time and the rising generations are physically unfit and socially inept, many are addicted to video games but won’t admit it because they make justifications and rationalizations for video games because they say “it’s good for training reaction time and hand eye coordination And people who are good at video games turn out to be good drivers on the road IRL” etc but it’s really a waste of time, they are sitting on their asses staring at a screen and they call that a hobby while their bodies atrophy and their spines develop kyphosis and that’s my opinion on that.

        • Uhrbaan
          03 months ago

          Yes he did, but I’d too say internet isn’t a necessity to live, you can live without internet, internet is mostly for leisure. And where it is useful, it can be replaced easily by the other above, especially if you have free public transport.

          “Yeah but you needed internet to work” Work belongs to the workplace, not your home. Can’t take work to your home. (And in that case you would have mommy to buy internet)

          • @maniclucky@lemmy.world
            43 months ago

            And you’d be wrong. All over the place. I work exclusively from home as a data engineer. When the pandemic hit, my job was wholly unaffected. In fact, without the burden of a commute and dealing with existing in an office, my productivity soared. Your life experience is not everyone else’s.

            Also, when’s the last time you applied to… anything? Credit card, bank account, job? All of these require internet now. You can’t meaningfully exist in our society without it on some level anymore. You can’t go somewhere and hand someone a resume, you have to submit it online. Those days are long gone.