It’s April and I am sweating like crazy, it fucking sucks, but it also got me wondering what can I do? There is so much conflicting advice out there, even if I tell others about this, when they ask for a solution what do I tell?

  • TipRing
    473 months ago

    As an individual the single most important thing you can do is vote for leaders who will make the necessary policy changes to make a difference, assuming you live in a country where this is possible. You can try to lower your own carbon footprint, and that is laudable, but the only way to change this is with strict regulation of fossil fuels and investment in renewable energy and that requires collective action.

      33 months ago

      Speaking of policy changes, IMO the best thing you can do as an individual is lobby your local government for zoning reform to increase density and walkablity. Because it’s local your influence can actually be significant, and zoning is by far the most transformative improvement we could make, dwarfing the impact of switching to EVs and whatnot.