• LinkOpensChest.wav
    112 months ago

    And to add, even our so-called “left-leaning” news outlets have a STRONG pro-establishment pro-capitalist bias, but we’re so immersed in it that I feel like it’s super hard to recognize. Anarchist and Marxist sources often get called out for their obvious bias, but guess what? CNN, MSNBC, WaPo… those are just as biased, but they’re more aligned to the status quo so we fail to see it.

    • Justin
      42 months ago

      Usually when people complain about bias, it’s because the news source is promoting something undesirable. If you agree with the viewpoints and ideology, then you’re not going to complain about bias usually, unless there’s some politics at play.

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        12 months ago

        Yes exactly. This is also why those sites that proclaim to measure bias tend to be utterly subjective. They themselves show bias in their criteria and methodology