Q: why not organize and stop treating the bus as a legitimate entity? why aren’t you working to stop the bus?

A: do both. cut the fuel line. break windows. put oatmeal in the gas tank. but maybe your efforts don’t succeed this election cycle. and if so don’t fucking throw away your vote if it can help your neighbors fucking survive. “harm reduction” is not a political strategy for action. it is a last minute, end of the line decision to save lives, after all other resources have been exhausted.

  • @zbyte64
    3 months ago

    Have you considered that fascism is a spectrum that starts at colonialism (genocide Joe) and ends at dismantling democracy at home (Trump)? Ask yourself who is served by ignoring this nuance. Hint: it isn’t the working class.

    • @core
      23 months ago

      I disagree that the nuance is meaningful, or that ignoring it doesn’t serve the working class

      • @zbyte64
        63 months ago

        That’s just like, your opinion, man