The trend of subreddits turning into circlejerks or even hatesubs is nothing new. Plenty of folks document the techniques used to radicalize vulnerable minds and contribute to the machine encouraging hyperbole.

It does make them hilariously vulnerable to satire, though.

The number of kneejerk responses shows the machine at work.

Ignores obvious joke

Hey guys did you know I don’t like campaign 3? Just thought I’d share my opinion on campaign 3, I don’t like it. Critical Role? More like critical of campaign 3. But I’m a fan and clearly you’re attacking me for my view with this post, because you said something about fans. Did I mention I don’t like campaign 3?

Wall of text about something small a cast member did that I consider a cardinal sin

What’s really funny about this post is that it reveals the people who aren’t actually here to have a discussion, just the knee-jerk responders who think they know what a post’s content is by virtue of the title alone. The people that you can’t actually explain your position to because they already chose how they’re going to respond

I’m a fan and I don’t really comment on posts here because I don’t like to fight with people on the internet

Them’s fightin’ words!

Maybe I’m just sick of rage bait and circlejerks after seeing enough people genuinely develop unhealthy behaviors, however, I really enjoyed how this post opened the eyes of those caught in the cycle of drama.

Schadenfreude galore.

  • UltragrampsOPM
    33 months ago

    I usually try to keep an eye out for critiques that include something in the world they actually enjoy.
    It’s always easy to say you don’t like something. Just like being a picky eater.
    In the world of the critic, many often live in constant fear of ever sticking their own necks out by adding or comparing something they like in the conversation. The moment it’s admitted that they enjoy something, it’s an opportunity for critique from someone just like them and nobody wants that.

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ