They encourage all worshipers to understand how to stop the bleeding if someone is shot or stabbed.

    64 months ago

    But you don’t know what god wants from you. That’s the whole point. You are choosing to believe the words of some dudes in the desert 1700 years ago because they make you feel good. You don’t KNOW anything about God because it’s all speculation. Yes I know, that’s what faith is. But that’s not knowledge and to claim it as such is insulting. Every time I hear it.

    • Zloubida
      34 months ago

      You’re right “know” is not the good word. I don’t know if the Bible is true or not, I don’t know if God exists or not. I generally don’t use this word in this context, but there it slipped, sorry for that.

      But I did not chose to believe because it makes me feel good. To say that is far more insulting than what I said.