I try to stream my favorite games, and I will get small audiences because I do events in the online games. But whenever I try to edit or listen back I feel like I’m in pain.

Is it really annoying, or is it just that everyone hates their voice?

  • Snot Flickerman
    11 months ago

    Part of having an “annoyingly high voice” is related to more than just your voice itself, but also your demeanor and personality.

    Let’s compare you to the quintessential annoyingly high voice, Spongebob Squarepants.

    Many of the things that make Spongebob annoying are more about who he is and how he acts than his voice specifically.

    Spongebob is overly hyperactive. He has a laugh that is absurdly, purposefully annoying when repeated a lot, literally used as a joke a few times.

    You on the other hand sound calm and reasoned. I didn’t hear a full-on laugh, but I could hear a slight chuckle when doing your “western voice” which you described as silly. You’re way, way, way more low key and chill than a character like Spongebob. I would say most people generally like people who are relaxed and chilled, so you’ve got that going for you.

    Finally, your voice just isn’t all that high, and you certainly don’t immediately seem to have the kind of social issues that would make you “annoying.”