• @core
    53 months ago

    so you’re making it up

    • You can also keep watch on the accounts who post and comment on al Jazeerah links.

      I would say that any time a “leftist” posts an English language edition of a right-authoritarian state media in a positive fashion, chances are good that account should be saved and watched from time to time.

            • If a leftist believes that a far right regime is the only place to get accurate information that can’t be found elsewhere, and then promotes that far right regime’s media, that person is not a leftist.

              What are they? I don’t know. But when we have a small amount of accounts of people who are not who they claim to be, and they all are spending hours per day promoting the exact same message, and occasionally responding to the wrong messages, coordination of some kind is happening.

              These accounts who push borderline pro-hamas sentiments while using Qatari media to do so may not be state sponsored. It could just be some lone nutcase who just really agrees with Qatar’s geopolitical goals.

    • No, I just pointed out that you set up an unmeetable threshold to be willing to accept my experience.

      If you aren’t willing to trust a person’s experience as genuine (even if their conclusion about said experience is wrong) unless they have collected data on 35,000 people behind the accounts on 1 website, that’s entirely on you.

      I can say that there is a boomer on Lemmy, if you are really interested, you could follow the accounts who seem to show up a lot, bullying anybody who disagrees with him.

      • @core
        3 months ago

        I love tokenboomer! he has the best takes, and … yea the comment sections are usually owning the libs, but that doesn’t make them paid propagandists or sock puppets.

        frankly, you’re spreading unevidenced (and unprovable according to you) conspiracy theories.