I picked up a two gpses for better accuracy when caching, and I haven’t got to go to an open field, but I live in an urban environment and don’t have a full view of the sky, but I just can’t get more than 2 satellites connected to it. Is this because of the lack of sky view and is there a way to see the locations of gps satellites in the sky?

edit: solved by waiting a long time under clear sky

  • Zorg
    1 year ago

    https://in-the-sky.org/satmap_worldmap.php?gps=1 has a map of satellite positions.

    The app GPS essentials is even better though, shows all the GPS satellites above the horizon for your position, in grey until your phone gets a lock-on. Inner circle is 45°, outer is horizon, makes it quick to get a rough idea of where they are in the sky.
    Actually, in a dense city you might be better off using a phone. Since it will position you based on cell towers, WiFi Geo mapping, and whatever GPS satellites are visible.