Hi anyone that finds this place! Realized that explaining what SS13 will be helpful for anyone coming across this place.

Space Station 13 is a free online game where you are on a space station and can choose from numerous jobs to do during your round/shift. Stuff like security guard/cook/doctor/miner/virologist/scientist/roboticist/chemistry/bartender/gift shop worker/janitor/The Clown. Each of those jobs have their own mechanics that can go extremely in depth and it’s fun to learn it on a job you enjoy.

Every round there will be antagonist picked from the players to be something like a traitor/vampire/changeling/demon/syndicate attackers/Skeleton pirates or even more. The job of the security team is to arrest/kill all the antagonist which can be hard since the antagonist have strong abilities or can buy a shit ton of wacky/lethal items from a machine like the traitors.

People have adapted the code to run their own servers based off properties like Aliens Vs Predators/Fallout/Warhammer/SCP. The AvP one is usually the most filled because it’s gameplay is great. It’s called SS13 Colonial Marines and totally worth a play too. That video I linked at the top contains gameplay of it.

Just wanted to give a quick synopsis of the game. You can download the program is runs on here https://www.byond.com/?

  • Mr_BuscemiOPM
    2 年前

    People usually send the Sseth video to show the game but I feel like that one gives off a bad impression of the game and makes it sorta more edgy looking. This one by MandaloreGaming is much more informative too which is why I chose it also.