Hello everyone =) Any fandomy news? Any fandomy plan? Let’s hear about it!

I am apparently cycling between “too dead to function, much less write more than a few sentences” → “writing a fill for a prompt in one sitting in a feverish daze” → “struggling to typocheck and post because too tired” and back to the start. That’s… not ideal.

The good news is that despite this I’m still going strong with the daily microfics, and I’m still writing daily even if some days it’s just literally one sentence. Any word is better than none after all.

The complex news is that there is new content for the currently-releasing game in my fandom and I’m too tired to play it. I feel very much like a frustrated mess x’)

Also this is the last week before the event “Finish What You Started” that focuses on finishing fan projects we started before the first day of the event. It runs from March 1st to April 30th and I’ll be participating to hopefully tackle some older WIPs from fandoms I lowkey fell out of. The Fall edition of last year helped me finish… three fics and one crochet pattern, so I’m hoping I can do nice things this time too!

(If posting the link to the event is not allowed I can edit, just tell me!)

  • LeGaosaureOP
    1 year ago

    Well, maybe this event would be more to your taste then, given it’s a low engagement, “do what you can when you can” event ^^ There’s no sign-up, no objective set in stone, it’s really more of a way for people to cheer on each other for a common goal of finishing stuff. Some people do word sprints, some ask for an accountability buddy, some post todo lists… but also some just hang out and clap when someone finishes something. The admin makes posts with tips and/or motivation stuff. It’s very chill unless you personally asked for it not to be =)

    Good to know you had a nice weekend ♥