I had around 150 by the time I completed the game.

Bonus question: what percentage completion do you have?

I’m sitting on 50.5% right now.

    • GrossGhost
      11 year ago

      I have to disagree that it’s a terrible game, but I’m sorry if you spent money on something you didn’t enjoy. That’s never a nice feeling. That being said there’s still a TON they need to improve if they want to continue with this open air formula. I and many other fans of the game have a long list, i can tell you that. This game is way too free and imo it suffers for it more often than not.

    • iNeedScissors67
      11 year ago

      That’s how I felt about BOTW. Great tech demo, not a good Zelda game. I tried 3 times to get into it and couldn’t. Its popularity is still perplexing to me.