Former President Donald Trump will likely run out of legal defense funds this summer, Bloomberg reported.

In 2023, Trump spent $51.2 million on legal costs and has a further $23.5 million available for lawyers’ fees — but that source of money will likely dry up around July, the report said.

The ex-president may now be forced to turn to a few undesirable options to cover his costs.

  • mintiefresh
    144 months ago

    It’s tiring reading news about him still and there have been no consequences. I’m kind of just resigned to that fact that he might win the election anyways and all his problems will just go away.

      94 months ago

      He just got fined $350+ million and banned from running his own company for 3 years. He just got hit with an $83 million judgement against him for sexually assaulting a woman.

      The consequences have begun.

          54 months ago

          He can’t appeal without bonding the full amount and nobody was willing to bond the 5 million he got hit with last year. Looks a lot like he just has to put up the cash.

            14 months ago

            I can’t see him doing this… he’s going move money his money to somewhere he thinks the government can’t get it and declare bankruptcy.

            He’s gonna go full Alex Jones.

                14 months ago

                Right… forgot about that. But I feel like that just limits his shenanigans and hes got a lifetime of experience at shenanigans. I dunno really, but I’m not betting against Trump’s crook skills.

              14 months ago

              He’s already had to put up $5.5 mil that he couldn’t weasel out of.

              Trump has already deposited $5 million owed to Carroll for the first defamation case into a court-controlled account, along with an additional $500,000 in interest required by New York law. Carroll will not have access to the funds until the appeals process plays out.

              He may soon be forced to do the same for the $83.3 million judgment in the second Carroll verdict. Alternatively, he could secure a bond and pay only a portion up front — though that option would come with interest and fees and likely require some form of collateral. Trump would have to find a financial institution willing to front him the money.


                14 months ago

                Yeah $5M for the publicity of an appeal which he’ll likely lose, that he’ll pay. When it’s hundreds of millions, which he may not even have the full amount? He’s gonna Alex Jones that shit.

          4 months ago

          There’s no appeal here. He has nothing to point to for procedural errors or unconstitutional laws. Plus he has to put up the money before he can do anything.

      • @laurelraven
        14 months ago

        He lost his ability to do business in one state, which likely just means he’ll do it by proxy

        And I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he weasels his way out of paying somehow

          24 months ago

          And I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he weasels his way out of paying somehow

          He has a deadline of 30 days to pay, and in order to appeal he first has to put 110% of the amount owing in escrow.

          • @laurelraven
            14 months ago

            I’ll believe he’ll pay when he pays. I see no reason to start thinking he’s going to do what he’s supposed to, required to, do when that’s never been what he’s done. I honestly doubt he’ll give up that money until it’s forcibly pulled from his accounts.

            Maybe this time will be different and the rules will actually apply to him. Maybe this time Lucy won’t pull that football back. Until that actually happens, forgive me if I’m sceptical that things are going to be different this time around.

          • @laurelraven
            14 months ago

            What misinformation am I spreading? That I think something is or isn’t going to happen?

            I assure you that it is very accurate that I’m prepared to see him find some way to weasel out of this, and I’m not sure how you could possibly know whether or not I think the things I say I think.

            Again: I’ll believe it when it happens. Not before then. I’m done believing the right thing will happen when it comes to him since it so rarely has.