• tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺
    44 months ago

    I am sorry, but in the US there is no moderates between the Dems and Reps. The Dems are representing far right neoliberalism and imperialist warmongering. The Reps are representing far right neoliberalism, imperialist warmongering and on top social values from the 50s, now sprinkled with a lot of fascism.

    What would be considered moderate, by the standard of other western democracies is distinctively left of the Dems. And Dems are getting away with moving further and further to the right, as they can always say “see the other guy is worse”. If a sizeable part of the people unhappy with the Dems would vote a third party, it would actually threaten their power basis and force them to become a real alternative to the Reps.

    • Cethin
      14 months ago

      You’re right that moderate in the US has different politics than the rest of the world. However, there are obviously moderates in the US and it’s weird to consider what it even means to say there isn’t. We all know there isn’t a leftist party in the US, but that’s not saying the same thing. Moderates are people who haven’t chosen a side to vote between Democrat and Republican, wherever they lie politically.