• @NoLifeKing@ani.social
    75 months ago

    That doesn’t work because we added a shit load of Carbon we need to take out, we can also not just let the entire world become Forrest.

    • @anton
      14 months ago

      we can also not just let the entire world become Forrest.

      We could make charcoal from the trees and bury the same amount we dug up, but as long as we burn coal for power it’s kind of pointless.

    • themeatbridge
      15 months ago

      Well it’s going to happen one way or the other. The only question is whether humans will be there for it.

      • @NoLifeKing@ani.social
        25 months ago

        Climate change won’t kill all humans itself, we are too efficient in adapting to environments, it can kill 90% of us if shit really hits the fan however thats unlikely. It will however definitely impact the quality of life and make everything harder cause wars and what not.

        • themeatbridge
          15 months ago

          I wouldn’t underestimate our capacity to fuck up the planet. When the food runs out and the water riots spread, things are going to go south very quickly for the human race. We like to make post apocalyptic movies about how we survive in the desert that used to be Iowa, building war-cars from scrap and isolated communities from the remainders. The reality is that almost everyone will die off without the electricity, medicine, and food production we have all come to rely upon. Gasoline will expire in the tanks of a million cars, and the ammo will run out faster than the potato chips. Farms will be pillaged, and GM seed stocks don’t produce a new generation.

          When society breaks down, all the little things will fall away, and we’ll all realize how actually few survival skills people actually have.

          • @NoLifeKing@ani.social
            15 months ago

            Well, as said if shit really hits the fan it may end in 90% less humans, but eradication is almost impossible unless we accidentally spread a virus that has a 100% mortality rate and several months until it shows symptoms we would have to fuck up so hard that it would be a actual achievement to do it.

            Shure quality of life degrades massively but its not impossible to live, knowledge still exists and its not a one day to the next event. Its more than possible to prepare for such things its however more expensive than solving the problem itself.