EXU: Prime, originally called simply Exandria Unlimited, is a miniseries following the Crown Keepers, a group of adventurers from Tal’Dorei, in 842 PD - close to 30 years after the Chroma Conclave’s attack on the city and six years after the end of Campaign Two.

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Runtime Break start
3h 55m 1h 40m

Episode 5: A Test of Worth

The five of you made your way south from Emon, and you, led by Fearne’s insticnts, ended up at the portal that she used to cross from the Feywild into Exandria proper.
While you were there, the portal began to shimmer, and things began to move and come through, and before a true fight could break out, you were intercepted by a strange woman of flame and great purpose named Fy’ra Rai, who believed with her entire being that she was meant to be with you and to lead you wherever you need to go.
Y’all fought some shit.
You beat it.
And you met some elves from Syngorn that had taken it upon themselves to try to drain the world of this excess energy using these large spikes run through with channels of residuum.
You continued on your path farther south and made it to Opal’s hometown of Byroden, just in time for a festival and maybe the most amazing pageant that this little town by the side of the road at the edge of the world has ever seen.
You crushed it, you cooperated, you made some new friends, and Opal was able to shine once more for not only her hometown, but for everyone.
You know the road lays ahead of you, and this is the last bit of civilization before you hit the Mornset Countryside and then the Rifenmist Peninsula proper. What do you want to do?

Alternate Frontend VoD

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Previous Episode Discussion

  • UltragrampsOPM
    8 months ago

    Robbie rolls a nat 20 to use a rope to restrain or “hogtie” the fae gator that Opal managed to flip over. Aabria throws two dice off set and her hands in the air watching this planned and mapped out event leave her control completely.