• MamboGator
    385 months ago

    Instead of playing damage control once players find out a new game is a live service, maybe stop making live service games. How many have actually made the kind of money that publishers are chasing? Now compare that to how many have flopped because people have realized that “live service” just means $80 for an early access game with minimal content to grind through at launch and a “roadmap” of updates which invariably includes DLC, microtransactions and battlepasses you’ll have to pay extra for, and that’s if the game even survives long enough to get there.

    • @CluckN@lemmy.world
      65 months ago

      I think Fortnite poisoned the market because of its live service success. Instead of making most of the money at launch they can now bleed whales dry by introducing a battle pass + skins + DLC.

    • BruceTwarzen
      65 months ago

      All they see is numbers. Destiny 2 makes HOW MUCH money? Let’s do that