EXU: Prime, originally called simply Exandria Unlimited, is a miniseries following the Crown Keepers, a group of adventurers from Tal’Dorei, in 842 PD - close to 30 years after the Chroma Conclave’s attack on the city and six years after the end of Campaign Two.
Watch the entire series on YouTube or Twitch
Runtime Break start 4h 26m 1h 59m
Episode 4: By the Road
The five of you, at Firetamer Lorkathar’s behest, managed to–
“nope, you didn’t sneak, I will not call that a sneak back into Emon. I will not.”
But you arrive, nonetheless, and, for the most part, managed to safely make your way to Gilmore’s Glorious Goods, where you spoke with Gilmore, and got a little more direction on what to do next. He asked for you all, partially as a way to get out of Emon because you’ve got a bit of heat on you, to head down south to look for the Ruins of the Qoniira Empire, to find a Rosetta stone, to help him translate the runes that you found at the ash blown mesa–
“I will not call it an ash hole this week, I will rise up.”
He provided you transport to the edge of town where you had one last face-off with Poska, and due to an exceptionally well-timed and well-executed Charm Person by Fearne, managed to avoid what would have been a lethal encounter in Emon.
So, your path is set, and you’re outside of the city walls, and you’re in a glitter-shitting purple vardo, headed south.
Opal K.O.'d
Matt’s assymetrical facial hair