let’s gooo

  • @Kentifer@lemmy.world
    15 months ago

    Letting genocide continue is the objectively wrong decision. So I have two objectively wrong decisions. What do?

    • @ToastedPlanet
      15 months ago

      Vote for the candidate whose election will result in the least amount of genocide. Millions of people dying under Trump is worse than the thousands of people who have died under Biden. If you cared this about the Palestinians, saving millions of lives would be a straightforward math problem.

      • @Kentifer@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        The least amount of genocide for whom? Who’s lives do I value over thr others? The ones that are most like mine?

        • @ToastedPlanet
          25 months ago

          For human beings? When Trump was in office all he did was pander to dictators. I don’t see why he wouldn’t do exactly the same again. Trump is going to let Netanyahu ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip, let Putin invade Europe, let Xi invade Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific, and let Kim invade South Korea. Not to mention Trump is going to ethnically cleanse immigrants from the US. He’s going to round them up into camps first. Trump is going to be bad for all of us.