• @RandomPancake@lemmy.world
    156 months ago

    That’s nice. They’ll lose, and the momentum put to that independent candidate is momentum that could have been used against Trump. Voting for either of them is a vote for “I am not interested in what happens in this country, and sincerely hope Trump wins. Because instead of voting against him, instead I choose to throw away my vote by making some kind of ‘statement’ that will never be heard by anyone.”

      36 months ago

      > instead of voting against him

      voting for someone who is not trump is voting against him.

          • You sound like a teenager who has no concept of how voting in this country works. Yes, voting for a 3rd party candidate is not literally a vote for Trump, but the net effect is EXACTLY that. You may as well write in Bernie Sandwrs for all the good it will do.

            Don’t try and gaslight with your “SoUnDs LiKe VoTeR sUpPrEsSiOn” comment.

            • HACKthePRISONS
              15 months ago

              >Don’t try and gaslight with your “SoUnDs LiKe VoTeR sUpPrEsSiOn” comment.

              it’s not gaslighting. it’s actually what you’re doing.

            • HACKthePRISONS
              15 months ago

              >voting for a 3rd party candidate is not literally a vote for Trump, but the net effect is EXACTLY that.

              so does that mean voting for trump is like voting twice? no. you’re spreading misinformation.