They warned you: Someone allegedly used a politician’s cloned voice to interfere with an election | It will most assuredly not be the last time this happens::undefined

    5 months ago

    Truth is never subjective. Truth is Truth. People have different opinions on where the truth lies but there’s is an objective reality to anything.

        5 months ago

        Here the more pragmatic use of truth is being used, which most of the people would agree in its objectiveness. Either the real person did the call or not.

        Even in the philosophical concept of truth different schools of thoughts have different views on its objectiveness. Here is a better resource I think.

        85 months ago

        And I see you didn’t understand your philosophy 101 course.

        All the ideas we have about this stuff comes from a pre-science era and nothing we discovered backs up what they argued.

        That is why Plato can make up another dimension and a psychic connection, that is why Hume could pretend to not know what cause and effect was, that is why Desecrates could think that if he has an idea it has to be true…

        Something to consider for a moment. If you are really determined to maintain the stance that truth is subject that would mean this stance is subjective. Hence there must be exceptions, but your stance allows none. Any statement of the effect that statements are never fully true is going to produce contradictions.

          35 months ago

          Desecrates could think that if he has an idea it has to be true

          That’s not what Descartes said, by the way.

          “I think therefore I am” was all about “I know I must exist, because I’m here to think about it”. It wasn’t about “if I think something it must be true”.

          In Discourse he sets about trying to establish what things you can know for sure, vs which things are subjective (and could just be a trick of the mind or an illusion). He establishes the first principle that the one thing he knows is definitely true is that he is an entity that is capable of thought (because otherwise, who else is doing all this thinking?) and therefore at the very least he must exist, even if nothing else does.

          If you’re of the position that truth isn’t subjective, “Cartesian doubt” should be right up your alley. Trust nothing until you can prove it! Not a bad position for a philosopher to take.

            15 months ago

            I read his work thanks. He continues and “proves” god by mental inference.

            The whole thing is backwards anyway. The physical world is the thing you should most be sure mental constructs the least. I am a lot more confident that if you light me on fire it will hurt than I am that there is no largest prime number.

            Existence exists, and we can measure it. Theories are just models with explanations, laws are models without. Our thoughts are just as physical as anything else. Abstractions are symbols that sometimes match the real world. And I have no idea why nearly all of us fight so hard to not accept the universe as it presents itself to be.

        65 months ago

        Philosophy dictates truth no more than some Q-anon clown dictates how government works. Actually all you’re doing is proving your opponent’s point: philosophy is nothing but the subjective opinions of other people, and nothing more.

          15 months ago

          wow, if only philosophy had had you around thousands of years ago, to save them from all the trouble of thinking philosophy was something more than just some assholes opinion!
          wow, it’s so simple now that you put it that way!!!
          p.s. touch grass

            15 months ago

            This lolcow will provide you laughs for days and days upon first feeding. Endless gallons of lolmilk for the low, low price of one triggering comment and an epic shitload of anger and inadequacy issues on his part

              15 months ago

              i guess it’s not a surprise that you’re literally a child…
              in which case, have fun there kiddo…
              also, go touch some blades of grass…