This is an essay I wrote in 2022, inspired by Kyle Chaka’s 2016 viral essay, “Welcome to Airspace”. After seeing an excerpt from Kyle’s new book on the front of /c/Technology, I thought y’all might be interested in reading this piece of mine, which is less about the design of physical spaces, and more about The Algorithm™’s influence on creative practice in general.

This is a conversation I can have a million times, so I hope you enjoy.

  • @zbyte64
    25 months ago

    Fantastic read, shared at work and now following on mastodon. Also had this thought in regards to my own work:

    … I find it reflects a similar problem we’re having with our code base: “simple is not always easy”. This article points out that Generative AI does what is easy/cheap, when what we really need is simplicity (or simplified complexity)

    There’s probably another article to write about this, I would title it: “Generative AI won’t solve your Cynefin domain problem”

      25 months ago

      Couldn’t agree more! We shouldn’t outsource planning the world that we want to make to oversimplified heuristics, including “whatever is cheapest.”