Over the time new youtube videos crop up talking about reddit, twitch and twitter issues. And in those comment sections I always like to spread the word of alternatives (like the fediverse). But whenever I do, those comments get quietly removed even though they seem to be posted in the first place.

Whenever I try to add further details, for example name dropping lemmy/bin pixelfeed peertube and mastodon, to previously posted comments those error out and gets deleted entirely.

Anyone else made that observation?

  • @chonglibloodsport@lemmy.ca
    781 year ago

    I wouldn’t worry about it too much. YouTube comments are the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of quality engagement. They mostly exist to give people a place to vent when the video creator annoys them!

    • @klyde@lemmy.world
      121 year ago

      I miss the old YouTube comments. Just like Reddit. Nothing of use anymore and if there is you have to scroll for ages to find it.