In an interview with the Guardian from his home base in Burlington, Vermont, Sanders urged the Democratic president to inject more urgency into his bid for re-election. He said that unless the president was more direct in recognising the many crises faced by working-class families his Republican rival would win.

“We’ve got to see the White House move more aggressively on healthcare, on housing, on tax reform, on the high cost of prescription drugs,” Sanders said. “If we can get the president to move in that direction, he will win; if not, he’s going to lose.”

The US senator from Vermont added that he was in contact with the White House pressing that point. “We hope to make clear to the president and his team that they are not going to win this election unless they come up with a progressive agenda that speaks to the needs of the working class of this country.”

Sanders’ warning comes at a critical time in American politics. On Monday, Republicans in Iowa will gather for caucuses that mark the official start of the 2024 presidential election.

Biden faces no serious challenger in the Democratic primaries. But concern is mounting over how he would fare against Trump given a likely rematch between them in November.

  • TheHarpyEagle
    306 months ago

    Biden really needs to understand how unpopular he is. Not that he will, but I can dream.

      166 months ago

      I really don’t want another run of Trump pardoning psychopaths and doing what he wants. But democracy is basically in the hands of Dems and they scrap by when it comes to connecting with people or even giving them a vision post beating Trump.

        116 months ago

        The only way Trump is “connecting” with people is by telling them grandiose lies and making impossible promises.

        Annoyingly, a shitton of people are willing to go along with those lies without thinking about it or questioning anything.

          26 months ago

          If only the “good guys” would do what the voters they depend on to win are demanding instead of trying to court Republican votes.

        86 months ago

        Biden won’t win without progressives and youth. Pandering to the center is how you lose. Trump won bc he did not play to the center.

          • HACKthePRISONS
            36 months ago

            >Either Biden wins or we don’t have elections anymore

            do you have some proof of this?

              • HACKthePRISONS
                26 months ago

                p2025 doesn’t say they plan on not having elections any more, and neither did trump

                  • HACKthePRISONS
                    16 months ago

                    just so that no one is misled here, i want to make sure that you all know i think there are lots of valid criticisms of the people who wrote p2025, the plan itself, and american presidents of all stripes.

                    but none of them are planning to end elections.

                    this kind of hyperbole is actually dishonest, and people who are told this and find out it’s not true are less likely to support the people who lied to them.

          • bufalo1973
            6 months ago

            Let’s say Biden wins. What will you, US citizens, do when the next Trump comes? Keep voting the lesser evil?