The article writer has a good summary:

There are three types of campaign you can run during an election: ‘it’s time for a change’ (normally an opposition message, but a governing party can also campaign like this, as Boris Johnson did in 2019); ‘give us time to finish the job’ (the standard incumbent’s message); or (the last resort option) ‘you might not like us, but at least we’re not as bad as the other lot’.

All this albatross can tell is, if he’s saying that, there’s an election a coming.

  • Dave
    166 months ago

    Cool, is that “square one” where we can book a GP appointment for a time before the heat death of the universe? Sign me up!

    • GreatAlbatrossOPM
      156 months ago

      It’s fine, there are three easy ways to get a GPs appointment in a timely manner:

      • Be really rich
      • Have a parent who is a GP
      • Call your GP on 5 separate phone lines, spreading the start of the call between 07:59:40 and 08:00:20
        66 months ago

        Honestly, most effective tactic I’ve found is to go in to the GP at opening time. The receptionists talk to you before answering the next phone call.

        Not ethical but :/

        26 months ago

        Hey now that’s not fair. I called the doctors last week to get an appointment for my 3 year old, and was given one in only 3 weeks time! That’s the kind of speedy service one needs from the basic frontline healthcare provider in one of the richest countries in the world.

      66 months ago

      Maybe it’s square one where you can order something online without the chance of getting a surprise VAT and customs invoice because your order came from the EU.

        46 months ago

        Not that square one. Labour still need those votes outside of the South too. They aren’t offering anything on Europe.