Your favorite lightweight game at the moment

Your favorite game of medium weight at the moment!

Your favorite heavyweight game at the moment!

Your most played game of all time!

Your favorite game of all time!

========== Here‘s my list:

  • King of Tokyo: Awesome art, great table presence, easy to learn, different winning conditions, always fun!

  • Tidal Blades: I love asymmetric RPGs with character customization! But I only got it to the table once. Time will tell if it holds up.

  • Arkham Horror LCG: My heaviest game atm, since I don’t find enough time for longer games. The most immersive game I played so far! I‘m impressed how this game is designed and I love my depressing roguelike experience with Lovecraft theme here!

  • Most played: Dominion.

  • World of Warcraft - The Board Game has to be my all time favorite: It reminds me of times, when we had opportunities almost monthly to get together and play these long games. Again, customizable asymmetric characters, thrilling item management and fighting mechanic, skill trees (expansion), everything I loved about the PC game was so well captured here.

  • Nerorero
    2 years ago

    +1 for 6 nimmt, I play it with a bunch of 3rd graders and they love it as well

      2 years ago

      We’ve played a snot-ton of 6 Nimmt, so much that we’ve worn out two decks and are on our third…

      I stopped by the Amigo booth at Origins this year and said that we play a lot of 6 Nimmt, and what would they suggest to diversify. They pointed me to 2Can and we played a round and I can see the potential, especially at player counts under 4 or 5. I haven’t gotten it to the table yet at home, but it’s on the agenda for July.