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Runtime Break start
3h 59m 2h 13m

Episode 3: The Midnight Chase

Last we left off, this intrepid band of slowly converging individual stories into some semblance of an adventuring party have found themselves caught up in an investigation. There was a carnival you attended, which Mollymauk was a part of, that had a terrible scenario occur. An older man who was at the carnival had been transformed in the middle of a performance into some horrible undead creature that attacked and assaulted other people within the tent. You defeated it and since have all been under investigation and been told you can’t leave the town.
To try and absolve yourselves of any sort of doubt, you’ve begun to investigate what the cause is for this strange transformation. You’ve gone around the town asking questions, meeting individuals, eventually finding yourselves back at the tent in the middle of the night, past midnight, in the early hours of the morning, sneaking into tents and asking members of the carnival what they may know about what has transpired.
Upon speaking with a number of members of the carnival, two of the guards that were on site suddenly fell dead where they were standing, writhing in pain as they passed.
You watched as a large shadow, which you had confirmed being fiendish in nature, leapt northward towards the Ustaloch and out of sight as both Fjord and Caleb rushed out of the main tent to see the center of the camp where these two bodies begin to rise up, two more of the freshly transformed undead creatures now angered and looking about for something to feast upon.

Previous Episode “A Show of Scrutiny”

  • UltragrampsOPM
    5 months ago

    Zombie down

    Telephone fail

    Nott shopping

    by Julmesias

    by Double Enni