TL;DR: Dana has been harboring some resentment over the way the Bucks were treated after Brawl Out. While The Elite themselves have decided to let bygones be bygones, she was never that happy with the situation.

Morffi, OTOH, simply had a better offer elsewhere.

  • Montagge
    36 months ago

    Chances are even if she was upset by the fallout from brawl out it has little to do with why she left. I have seen people leave jobs for similar reasons in the past so maybe.
    I wonder who’s saying AEW tried to keep her given her lack of experience. At this point I would think AEW would be wanting someone with more experience.

      16 months ago

      Is she really that inexperienced? In terms of pro-wrestling merchandise pre AEW she was running probably the biggest game outside of WWE, and maybe NJPW.

      • Montagge
        26 months ago

        I don’t think she had any previous work experience in that position. It was probably a we just need to get up and running situation. I’m honestly surprised she was still filling the role.