Hello everyone =) Hope you’re doing well? Anything you want to share about your writing? Your drawing? Maybe something you’ve read since the last round-up? Any plan for this weekend?

(For Federation Science, I’ll post my answers below with my mastodon account ^^)

  • @LeGaosaureOP
    16 months ago

    Good luck with the editweaking! Hope you can make this story closer to what you want to create ♥

    Mastodon experiment is what it is. We’re all learning and the platforms are constantly evolving, so I’m confident things will get better with time =)

    • borzoiteeth
      16 months ago

      Thank you! The result it ended up being isn’t bad, just have to tweak a few things so beginning and ending echo each other as they should. I have a lot of other ideas that hit the original goal that I wanted so I’ll have many more chances to tackle the original idea right later aaaa

      Oh yeah! It will get better~