Hello everyone =) Hope you’re doing well? Anything you want to share about your writing? Your drawing? Maybe something you’ve read since the last round-up? Any plan for this weekend?

(For Federation Science, I’ll post my answers below with my mastodon account ^^)

  • a_mac_and_con
    16 months ago

    I have no idea. I never know how long anything is going to be. I’m used to asking people about it because somehow I’m around a lot of people who estimate their stories all the time. However, I have gone into projects knowing it has to be a minimum of X words. In which case, I can at least plan out my time for those.

    If you want something around 2k more (or think that should be good enough to get it done, I can give you an assignment of 1k words a week. It would get you done with enough time to do whatever editing you want before sending it!

    So by New Years Eve, I expect to hear that you are about 1.8k words in!

    • @LeGaosaureOP
      26 months ago

      I physically cannot edit lol (not even joking, my brain empties entirely if I try editing, I just can’t), I just need time to spellcheck =')

      Uh oh. This is getting serious. Welp, guess I’ll have to work on that then…

        • @LeGaosaureOP
          16 months ago

          I really should have refused this challenge because it was a very bad week for it x’) I had my first actual vacation since July so I just dropped everything… but it lasted only three days and I spent the rest of the week dealing very badly with the fact I wanted more vacation. I thought of working on this fic every day (except maybe Monday) but by Saturday evening I had decided I would fail anyway so if I could at least not give a fuck instead of making myself feel even worse that would be great thank you.

          So no. I didn’t even open that fucking file. I want to scream at people about the whole vacation thing. I don’t know if I’ll be able to do anything about this fic in the coming weeks honestly.

          • a_mac_and_con
            16 months ago

            Oof. Sorry to hear it. Sounds rough. Don’t worry about it then. You have more important matters to handle. I’m hoping things will get better for you.

            • @LeGaosaureOP
              16 months ago

              Thank you ♥ And also thank you for offering to poke me, and coming to check-in, I fumbled the timing but it was really appreciated nonetheless ♥