Meta threads will open federation to the fediverse soon, and while this is mainly to mastodon it will still affect lemmy. They are acting like they won’t be evil, but let’s be real this is Facebook when have they ever done that.

This article which has been trending lately explains some of the issues.

This comment here is a simple analogy if you can’t be bothered reading the article.

      146 months ago

      You’re missing the point, people don’t want to defederate from threads just because it would be the biggest, but also because it’s Facebook. How are people giving Facebook of all places the benefit of the doubt? This is insane. If they don’t have an alteriror motive now, they will most definitely later.

        106 months ago

        It’s pretty unbelievable isnt it? You would think this wouldn’t even be up for debate on a platform like Lemmy but some people seem desperate for growth at any cost.

          76 months ago

          As far as I recall all these huge companies weren’t excluded from these open protocols and now look at them. For instance - email, try hosting your own email server and see how quickly you will be filtered to spam on most email providers.

          A perfect example of something being embraced by huge companies, then extended, and then finally extinguished and no longer viable to do by small parties.

          Gmail even marks new Proton mail account emails as possibly “malicious”, yet does not do this for their own service.