Their foot steps sound like they just have 2 pegs for feet… they hit so hard.

And they frequently, almost daily, spend the entire evening stomping around the entire footprint of their apartment.

Are there people who really just get the top floor, and think “I’m so smart, and everyone else can get fucked” then proceed to make all the fucking noise in the world?

    7 months ago

    I kind of wish that multi-unit housing came with sound isolation ratings. That’d create an incentive to have better isolation and help customers weigh the tradeoffs.

    • Uranium3006
      397 months ago

      we need to put sound insulation into the building codes. it won’t increase rents much since all the money’s in the land anyways. personally I’ve never had an actual issue with noise form other units but I’ll grant this to the people who do.

        7 months ago

        I don’t really want to force a specific bottom limit on sound insulation, which is what that would do, though.

        Some people won’t care as much as others relative to price and may not want to pay what it’d cost. And some people may want a much-quieter unit than any bottom limit would place.

        The problem is that they can’t make an informed decision now because the information isn’t available.

          117 months ago

          Might be worth just mandating it since you can also fix thermal efficiency issues at the same time. And that affects everyone since poor thermal efficiency = more pressure on the electricity grid and increased risks of extreme cold and heat to individuals.

          But transparency would certainly be better than nothing.

        27 months ago

        First, IBC has had this as code for at least 15 years.

        The International Building Code (IBC) establishes minimum requirements for airborne and impact performance of multifamily buildings. The minimum code requirement is STC 50 and IIC 50. Since many factors can affect the transmission of sound in the field, including non-standardized source and receiver rooms as well as construction tolerances, a field measurement (ASTC or AIIC) of three to five points below the lab measurement is acceptable to meet code requirements.

        As the understanding increased of how STC and IIC ratings correlate with occupant comfort, the International Code Council (ICC) issued ICC G2-2010, “Guideline for Acoustics,” which established two additional levels of acoustical performance:

        acceptable, defined as STC 55 and IIC 55; and preferred amount of isolation as STC 60 and IIC 60

        Second, all the money is most definitely not in the land. As a general ballpark, developers want the land to be under 1/4 of the total cost of the project.

        • Uranium3006
          17 months ago

          Nice. How effective is that minimum standard? Most currently existing buildings are of course older than 15 years so most people won’t have experienced it. Sadly these days anywhere remotely urban has way more than 1/4 the cost as land, espically for already existing buildings

      127 months ago

      There are standards for such ratings, and several countries have mandated minimums, which lead to longer and healthier lives.

      7 months ago

      This is part of my argument against the recent trend to allow bigger wood framed buildings, so they’re cheaper. There’s only so much you can do to soundproof a multi family house, but a large apartment building needs more. You know here’s higher risk of fires, flooding and damage just by having more people. You know statistically there will be noise issues. You can’t just pass the responsibility on the tenants when you know this will be a problem. Larger buildings should be required to be built in a way to protect tenants from this, ie. Not wood. They deserve at least as much consideration as the builder’s profits

        47 months ago

        Larger buildings are required to do this under IBC, and have been for many years. You can absolutely make a modern multifamily wood framed building quiet with proper design and construction.

        There’s no perfect building material. Wood has issues. But concrete is terrible for the planet from a climate perspective and we’re rapidly running out of quality aggregate (especially sand) in many parts of the world. You can make a list of pros and cons about any other material, too.