Breaking news: in one of the most productive countries / economies in the entire history of humanity, the majority of people creating that productivity do not get to enjoy the rewards of that productivity.

same as it ever was.

  • Cosmic Cleric
    7 months ago

    Lol some clown is removing my comments as “uncivil” in posts

    Violence is the only way that rights and freedoms have ever been secured. It has NEVER happened by voting

    Can’t disagree with this more.

    Advocating for violence is wrong, and that’s probably why you keep getting your comments removed.

    In fact I’ll go so far as to say that if we rely on violence every time to resolve issues then there’ll be nothing left but cockroaches and dolphins looking around the scorched Earth wondering “What the fuck happened here?!”

    • @zbyte64
      17 months ago

      Well to be fair, he didn’t say which side would be committing the violence. One analysis of the civil rights movement is that is was successful because it provoked violence by the oppressors while cameras were present.

      • Cosmic Cleric
        17 months ago

        Well to be fair, he didn’t say which side would be committing the violence.

        I speak towards violence of any kind, from either side. Self-defense notwithstanding.

      • Cosmic Cleric
        17 months ago

        Everything good you have-especially as a US citizen- is the result of violence and nothing else.

        If you’re talking about overthrowing tyrants to become a free nation, then yeah /agree violence is most likely needed.

        But the whole point of America and its political system is to resolve conflict in non-violet ways, so definately think your’e wrong there. Violence begets violence and destroys your land/homes.

          • Cosmic Cleric
            17 months ago

            Also, for the record, our system is absolutely not set up to resolve conflicts in nonviolent ways.

            You need to justify that statement with real-country examples, because unless your definition of “violence” is different than it is for the rest of us, your comment is easily proven false.

          • Cosmic Cleric
            17 months ago

            How does any vote get passed in Congress today? Congress has votes and passes laws all the time without violence.

              • Cosmic Cleric
                17 months ago

                Seriously, how can you possibly live through the last couple of years of Roe and associated laws and decide there is no violence??!

                Our definition of ‘violence’ differs.