I realized I interacted / posted / commented less and less on reddit these last couple of years. Couldn’t even tell you why exactly. Now I’ve been here for a week and, I don’t know, I just like interacting again… Hope it stays like this for a while :)

  • GankTopPlz
    31 year ago

    do not fool yourself. this place is just as strong with the group think mentality. if you want proof, look at all the defederation discourse.

    • Kichae
      1 year ago

      If you want to hang out with the Nazis, just say so and go. No one is stopping you.

      • BornVolcano
        61 year ago

        Like literally these people are all like “FrEe SpEeCh” like dude if you wanna be a Nazi go be a Nazi I’m not gonna stop you but I’m definitely not gonna support you in it. You will get a hearty kick to the nuts if you approach me with it but like you do you

      • @EsotericEmbryo@lemmy.world
        31 year ago

        To be fair some instances (like Beehaw) defederate for not being big enough to maintain a huge influx of users. It isn’t always about Nazis although for sure Nazis suck I agree with that!

        • Kichae
          51 year ago

          Sure, but anyone complaining about defederation in the context of “group think” probably isn’t thinking about how much it sucks that small spaces can’t moderate well enough.

    • 70ms
      121 year ago

      Won’t anyone think of the Nazis? 😢

    • magnetosphere
      121 year ago

      Most people consider hate speech unacceptable. Independently coming to that conclusion is not “group think”.

    • Elevator7009
      01 year ago

      I’m constantly seeing posts about how much nicer kbin is, but I’ve also seen a “KYS” comment and personal insults towards people. I also recognize it’s possible that there are fewer nasty comments, that the ones I see are just outliers but I’m more likely to notice them here instead of just downvoting and forgetting because the posts about how nice kbin is are making the counterexamples stand out that much more.

      • BraveSirZaphod
        11 year ago

        Communities are going to have to start actively moderating and removing blatant abuse like that. I haven’t seen very much, but ultimately, we cannot rely solely on votes or people simply being nice forever. It’s always a touchy question, but every community ultimately has some standards of acceptable behavior, and it’ll take time for us to figure out what ours is.

      • minnieo
        11 year ago

        thats crazy. im very active on here as my profile can tell and other than a run in with an alt right person on one thread, i havent seen anything bad. of course, as it gets more popular, this will increase, but for now its pretty nice