“We recognize that, in the next four years, our decision may cause us to have an even more difficult time. But we believe that this will give us a chance to recalibrate, and the Democrats will have to consider whether they want our votes or not.”

That’s gotta be one of the strangest reasonings I’ve heard in a while.

  • Pons_Aelius
    7 months ago

    We hope that shooting ourselves in the foot today will allow us to run faster in the years to come

    Expecting either US political party to drop its support for Israel is a fool’s game.

    • @ButtermilkBiscuit@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Seriously these fucking morons are going to assist the guy who wants a “complete and total ban on Muslim entering our country…” because they don’t like Biden’s support for Israel? I understand this is a no win situation but given the choice who’s going to be better for Muslims domestically or abroad? Clearly the dem. And on that point I wonder if they think trump would have behaved any differently toward Israel? Spoiler alert.

      They have a point though, neither d nor r is going to be “good” for Muslims or Palestinians, our track record sorta proves that out.

      • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
        417 months ago

        Seriously these fucking morons are going to assist the guy who wants a “complete and total ban on Muslim entering our country…” because they don’t like Biden’s support for Israel?

        Maybe they figure that when Trump was supporting his Muslim ban, they had one major party on their side.

        Instead of zero parties on their side and one party gloating that they have no choice.

          • capital
            427 months ago

            Wanting someone to stand up for you isn’t moronic.

            What’s moronic is voting in such a way that elects the party FURTHEST from your ideal.

            • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
              237 months ago

              If the party needs their votes, it should act like it needs their votes.

              They certainly know how to act like they need Republican votes.

              • @Potatofish@lemmy.world
                237 months ago

                Interesting. Now we have to stop people from punching themselves in the face? I tell you, you can’t fix stupid.

                • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
                  177 months ago

                  I tell you, you can’t fix stupid.

                  Then give up and lose. You’ll get to blame a minority for your problems, just like republicans.

      • Andy
        7 months ago

        I see this kind of thinking often, with regards to young voters, black voters, blue collar workers, immigrants, women, etc.

        ‘We’ve checked with the experts and determined that they should be grateful! Why won’t they adjust their lived experience to match our policy platform!!’

        It doesn’t matter whether you agree with them. They’re leveraging power. You are free to disregard them if you think your personal narratives are enough to keep you comfort after Trump wins.

        If Biden and his supporters want to win, they need to stop arguing with their voters and start listening. It’s not that complicated.

        • capital
          397 months ago

          I’ll be comfortable if Trump wins. I’m a cis white male who makes over $200k per year. Hell, I’ll probably get a fucking tax cut.

          These idiots are going to be among the first and worst to get hurt.

          I’ll vote to try to stop them from hurting themselves but there’s only so much I can do.

        • Uranium3006
          257 months ago

          Democrats feel entitled to votes from their base are are offended at the idea they might have to earn their vote. They blackmail us with Republicans and victim blame when their bad electoral strategy fails them

          • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
            27 months ago

            This isn’t unique to Democrats, it’s a feature of the left in general. Democrats aren’t bending over backwards to get progressive votes, but progressives aren’t bending over backwards to get moderate votes either. If a Democrat loses, moderates blame Progressives for not showing up. If a progressive loses, progressives blame moderates and the establishment.

            I mean how many progressives criticize Bernie’s electoral strategy instead of blaming the DNC? Bernie completely wrote off Florida and Cuban Americans instead of trying to win them over. He aimed for 40% of the vote in the primaries. And he relied on non voters to win.

            Democrats and progressives BOTH prefer to bicker with each other and make no efforts to court each other’s base. They’d rather blame each other than critique their electoral strategy. And when fascists rise to power because of this bickering, both will blame each other again.

            • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
              27 months ago

              Bernie completely wrote off Florida and Cuban Americans instead of trying to win them over.

              And just like that, candidates are expected to win votes.

        • DreamerofDays
          77 months ago

          This implies their voters are speaking in a unified voice. They’re not. Subsets are, closer to it, but overall, politics is about compromise and consensus.

          If you want the power of dominion, go for a monarchy, and if you don’t want to compromise at all, go to war. When it comes time for peace again, it’ll be some manner of compromise.

          • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
            177 months ago

            This implies their voters are speaking in a unified voice. They’re not. Subsets are, closer to it, but overall, politics is about compromise and consensus.

            “We decided you’re expendable. We still expect your solidarity.”

        • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
          77 months ago

          Ban + more ethnic cleansing > no ban + less ethnic cleansing

          It’s utterly disingenuous to suggest the two are mutually exclusive. The ethnic cleaning only intensifies under Trump, and the ban is in addition to that. Unless we’re in a bizarre world where Trump suddenly loves brown people and Palestinians.

            • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
              67 months ago

              Gee I wonder why you guys have practically no meaningful political presence in reality. Maybe if you tell me more about how much I love genocide, I’ll see the purity in your idealistic views and decide to support your cause instead.

              Of course, I could fire back that you want dead Palestinian babies since you refuse to go against the most deadly option – but that would be as utterly disingenuous as writing off all Biden supporters as genocide supporters.

              • floppade [he/him]
                57 months ago

                The funniest thing about this comment is that it could be easily directed at you as well.

              • GodlessCommie
                57 months ago

                Biden allowing their death is the most deadly option. Do you people even hear yourself? I couldn’t give a fuck if you support us or not, which is preferred since liberals tend to co-opt movements and try to redirect the energy to neoliberalism.

                • @assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
                  67 months ago

                  Personally I think a Republican actively killing them would be the most deadly option. I’m curious though why you think Biden would result in more Palestinian deaths than any Republican candidate.

      • @stolid_agnostic@lemmy.ml
        67 months ago

        I tried asking that question on a post somewhere around here and they pretty much responded like I was the biggest moron who had to be spoken down to.

    • @variaatio@sopuli.xyz
      137 months ago

      Then again not like the “very shoot ourselves in the foot, but just little bit, instead of lot” on decades long repeat leads to anything good.

      If ones vote is to be taken for granted, you have no power. Only way you can hold your own side accountable is by threatening to withhold the vote.

      That is bargaining. Voting Democrat nomatter what and after that asking could they please do something, that is begging. Begging rarely works as well as bargaining.

      Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Joys of two party system.

      Most likely people just get apathy and instead of flipping to Trump, they simply stay home. Which is the other bargain. What you offer for me to bother to go from my home to the voting station in the first place.

      That is their play “you can’t take us for granted anymore, we care about our vote and bargaining power on long term enough to suffer on short term to buy long term relevance”.

      Whether it works is different matter. I don’t know, if democratic leadership has the where with all to take their left flank of voters as anything but given serval supporters to be kept in line with “but we are only little bit bad, those guys are really really bad”.